Thursday, December 28, 2006

Waiting for the 76 Bus, Aldwych (Wednesday night):

Guy: I always look forward to showering with the guys after a game. The chat's usually good.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

On the 21 bus Bank to N1:

Guy 1: You know I'm feeling quite insane and young again...
Guy 2: Lord knows you are a fool in your flurry of a first affair, you think? Shit, I know it.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

At Gatwick Airport, Sunday afternoon:

guy 1 (to friend/partner?): There are always Angels around, but no more so than at Christmas. For you and me. Always. I promise.
guy 2: Hold me close?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

On the 73 bus, Essex Road (contributed by Brendan UK):

Girl 1: I’m goin round Sarah’s house.
Girl 2: Sarah? I hate her.
Girl 1: Which Sarah you talkin about? This is the Sarah who keeps on about my brother, you know, when we was sunbathing.
Girl 2: Oh that Sarah. l hate her as well.

Monday, December 04, 2006

In a bar in Belgravia, SW1 (Saturday night):

guy (to another guy): You know how they say Christmas comes but once a year? Fortunately I don't. I cum a lot more frequently and lots...You believe me?